Friday, January 14, 2011

Sometimes you just know the Lord is at work

Last night was such a lovely evening..spending time catching up with one of my best girlfriends Carie.  Eating pizza and salad while sitting in our 2 favorite spots in my living room whenever we are having a visit.  Carie in the comfy leather chair and I on the sofa with my dog Maddie curled beside me.  Boy can the 2 of us shoot the breeze...did we even stop to breathe, I'm not sure.  She arrived at around 6:30 and before we knew it the clock read 11:10...I think we solved a few of the worlds problems, reminisced about childhood memories, especially sledding and ice skating, and basically caught up with each other on our lives since our last visit.

After seeing her out and picking up a few things, I checked in on one of the blogs I read daily. Jeannie Oliver of  A Bushel and A Peck.  There I found the story of a very young Mom, who just suffered a massive stroke a couple of mornings ago on January 11th.  Her name is Joanne Helm and she also has a blog entitled "The Simple Wife"..if you click on her name it will link you to her blog.  She is a very talented, beautiful, Christian woman.. author, homeschooling Mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend. On her blog you will also be able to read, as written by her devoted husband Toban, how Joanne is doing.  He has lovingly asked everyone whose lives she has touched and all those who hear of her story, to lift her up in prayer and also to read Psalms 46 and pray over those passages.

The Lord's work in our lives is incredibly amazing to me, as on the day of Joanne's stroke, her blog received 4,000 visits..and on January 13th, yesterday, in a 24 hour period there were 46,000 page views...think of one 24 hour period there were at least 46,000 people who read her blog, praying for Joanne and her family..I don't know about you, but I find that fact stunning, to say the very least...!!

It completely emphasizes for me, that there are a whole lot of people out there, connected by the written words of others, via a technological thing called a blog...and some of you thought we just like to talk about ourselves...
I am proud to be part of the blogging community and this story is a perfect example for me of:

The incredible power of our Awesome God, and the power of a BLOG...

Please take a moment today to read Joanne's story and say a prayer if you will...

Blessings to all


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