Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Anything you want them to Be Books" and Bookmarks

A few little things I've been making...

Totally loving both of these new creations...having so much fun using up scraps and random embellishments in my studio...but I must say I have left quite a mess appears someone has been ransacking through everything in search of something...I admit it, I am the culprit..but when an idea pops into your brain and you remember just the right paper and doodads that would be just the perfect thing, you have to do a little digging...!!!  However, I do now stand at the door and gaze upon what the human tornado left behind, me, with great affection...!
Unfortunately it now seems to be tidy time...hmm, she said with index finger on forehead, maybe I should leave it just like this and save myself the energy...I might be on to something...LOL!

In the words of Carie "Make it a Great Day"

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