Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Monday Sharing, but its Wednesday"

Oh my goodness for some reason Monday's are terribly difficult for me to gather my wits about me, organize my brain and actually post "Monday Sharing"
But now, it has definitely become a personal joke for me between me and myself and pretty much that is just the way its goes sometimes...

So having tried to explain my tardiness, here is the coolest new site I have discovered and had to share..

This inspiration site is the wonderful endeavor of 
Julia, residing in Corvallis, Oregon...

There are so many places to visit on her site, so many beautiful stories to read..
Poetry & Art
Amazing guests to be introduced to..

One thing I know for sure, as is one of her sidebar topics, is that if I am ever in, near or by Corvallis Oregon, I think I will love to have a friendly visit...!!!

I have to run now..straight back to her site and keep exploring!!!

Hope you do too..


  1. I love Julia's blog and her belief system. Thanks for sharing. I used to live in Corvallis. I hope you get to visit her.

  2. Dear Valerie,

    What a beautiful treat it was to stumble upon your lovely space today. I am deeply touched by the words you wrote about Painted Path. Thank you, dear heart.

    With love,


  3. Linda,
    I am so happy that you enjoyed Julia's site and that she touched you!! That is what sharing is truly all about.
    Thank you for visiting my site..even though it is typically about random thoughts in the moment and a myriad of things, it is very special to me, made even more special by your comments...I will be visiting your site quite frequently...2x today, love, love are a gift!
    With love back,
