Saturday, April 16, 2011

"It has been a heck-of-a couple of weeks, but hey, life goes on!"

Had to add this new fav picture of mine...its my writing prompt, weird as it may seem..

My new favorite picture, quote to live by and I totally want that buffet and chalkboard in my kitchen!!!!

This past couple of weeks have challenged about every part of me..
95 hours put in at my job with one day off...Whew
can you say "AM I COMING OR GOING"?
AM I COMPLAINING?..dare I say maybe, but just a bit..
possibly, but only because of the many things that I love that have not gotten the attention they deserve..
Me, Dog, gecko, house, yard, art...

but hey, all good things come to an end, and the paycheck is gonna look mighty fine in these very slim times..a few more of those and things will be looking up!!

But now is it heavenly Saturday and 3 glorious days off...
House is now back to where it should be, well except for my bathroom, but it should be bright and shiny momentarily..
Dog is beginning to come back from the "being alone constantly neurotic state"
Eddie the gecko's tummy is full and the heat lamp is back on..
Yard is lavishly drinking in an early morning sprinkle...perennials are popping through the moist earth and showing themselves, and some of the pine needles, not all mind you, but some have been cleared to the big green dumpster...
And last but not least I have turned on my pretty little lamps in my darling little studio and am getting ready to spend some long overdue time in my special little place.

My husband and I are preparing to depart to Seattle in the earliest time of the morning tomorrow. We will begin packing up our beautiful apartment there and moving all of his belongings back home.  Even though we have been apart, we have enjoyed spending time together in Seattle and have savored every moment. So many wonderful memories.  We will miss it very much.  But hey, one never knows, we could end up back there someday.

Our beautiful balcony garden at our apartment in most favorite place to read...oh how I will miss this special place...

Sunday market in Ballard, one of the places we loved to go!

Life...with water and mountains all around...from one of the many beaches we loved to visit..

The Locks...I could sit and watch the boats come in and out all day...such a wonderful place.

Elliott Bay Marina and one of the few pictures I have taken...not too bad huh?

 He has been working and living there during the weekdays, coming home only on the weekends, for almost 4 years and just recently was transferred back to our hometown.  
Oh how wonderful it will be to have his companionship again...
Even though we will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary next month, got married when we were 18...
Anyway, even after all of these years we have missed each other tremendously..
It has been a long haul for us, but who are we to questions God's plans for our lives...patience truly is a virtue..all things in his time...
And the timing couldn't be more perfect!

The new life of another spring and our new life together
Beginnings...proves your never to old for new beginnings...

I wish for new blessings always and springtime beginnings...



  1. Dear Val! I am so happy to hear that Eric is coming back to Spokane. Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship, so having him around more often shouldn't cause any issues. You must have had some glorious days in Seattle. Sparks the romance, doesn't it? Love all the photos you posted. I have always loved Seattle. Love, Linda

  2. I love that pic of you. It has so much of who you most enjoy being.

  3. Thank you Mr. Livermaile..your attention to detail as well as the intuitive nature you possess never fails to astound me.

  4. Hi Linda,
    Eric's return home is an answer to many prayers. We are feeling very celebratory and can't wait until next weekend. Will have much fun this weekend spending our last special Seattle moments together with our son Michael, who also will be returning home on May 27th. All will be back together! Love you and I appreciate so much your visits to my little place here.
