Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Finally some projects to share from "Brave Girls-Soul Restoration Online Course"

Camera and battery charger finally in hand, I was able this morning to load some pictures of the projects I have been working on...actually works in progress...will share more as I continue to move forward...and
beginning February 28th I will start a new online art course entitled 
so much more to come in the weeks ahead..
Also haven't forgotten the showing of my friends Justine and Christy Kondo's Art as well...hoping to get together with them in the next few days, life has been pretty busy in the last couple of weeks, so be watching for some pictures and narration of their beautiful handmades...

On to a glimpse of "Soul Restoration" be sure to check out the "Brave Girls" site for information on upcoming courses..a life changing experience to say the least...and I am so excited to learn last night, that there will be a "Soul Restoration - Part 2" beginning in June..I absolutely can't wait...!

A big part of the course is "Art Journaling"..a combination of creating pages based on specific journaling prompts..each week there is a new page of at least 20-30 prompts to center your design and writing around..these are just a couple of the pages I have made, but will share more as I go.  Of course I won't be taking the pictures up too close, as the writing I do around the prompts is quite personal in nature. But here are a couple pictures a little more up close..

The bottom picture is a perfect representation for me of letting go of "perfectionism" and embracing messy. An experimentation of using a paper doily as a stencil. Quite rustic in feel, but this picture doesn't quite capture how cool it really is, but hey, sometimes life is messy and the writing on this page is all about that...and I love it..represents so much for me that would be difficult to explain...

Another project that is ongoing throughout the 6 week course is your "Truth Book"..each week there is an additional theme in which to add a new 2 page spread to your book..this book will be your companion for a lifetime..reminding you of where you have been, the hard work you have gone through to "restore" your soul, ie "Your House" and where you are going.."Your new path to finding your purpose, healing your past, leaving it behind and moving forward to unleash the gifts you have always had inside you"
Very powerful, soul searching stuff...the book may appear to be quite simple, but the journaling in your art journal in combination with the themes you focus on, explore and express through writing and art, are life changing...I won't really delve into the details...I will leave that up to Melody and Kathy to explain, should you ever decide to embark on "Soul Restoration" for yourself..

The cover of "My Book"

A few more pages

Hope you enjoyed...and maybe, you might find a little inspiration as well..

See you soon, with many blessings to all...

1 comment:

  1. wow, it sounds like a great course! I hope you learn lots of amazing stuff about your self and your art. The journaling looks like fun~!
