My love of birds goes back a long ways...
As a young girl, 4 or 5 years of age, I can remember laying in my bed on early spring and summer mornings listening to the beautiful songs of the birds right outside of my window...we had a lilac hedge on the side of our house, that in my child's memory held so many was a tall hedge that ran the length of our yard and was full of both light and dark was the perfect place for 100's of small, sweet little birds, brown in color, I now know that they must have been sparrows, to perch and sing to their little heart's content...
and so they did, every morning!
I was enamored by that sound, it came to be my constant friend, during a time in my life that felt full of darkness. Something I could always count on, when life had no constants for me.
The innocence, yet wisdom in their songs, was a comfort to me, as if they knew everything was as it should be in that moment, for the day had begun.
I would, of course, wish that I could feel as they did...happy and full of song, but most of all I wished, prayed that I could join them...
Not only in their song, but in their journey's...too take to the sky and view the world from up above, out of harms way...quiet, peaceful, serene. Floating and diving, making large loopy corners in the sky...frolicking light as air...
Freedom from the darkness...
As an adult I feel drawn to them, even now. No matter what size, what color, what song...they still seem so innocent yet so wise to me...still communicating their feelings with their song..still offering me a place to go, even for a moment, away from the darkness.
Now on spring and summer mornings I take my coffee to my patio...I sit, I listen, I hear so many different songs I am convinced they are all saying something different to me...whispers from God...I quietly close my eyes, strive to hear what they are telling me...and as it was when I was but a child, I find peace....light...
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