Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Our time at the Perry Street Fair"

What a beautiful day it was on Saturday and what a beautiful day for a neighborhood gathering.
All of the vendors were set up in Grant Park which is adjacent to Perry Street, the main street running through the neighborhood.
It began with a little parade that was mostly comprised of different children's dance groups and such..
The local eateries were all open serving their specialties,
The Buddhist Temple had opened its doors wide for the curious with questions,
A neighborhood garage sale was being held in one of the parking lots and there were bands taking turns providing the background ambiance...
It was a fun day....a day of relaxing and people watching!
I was there with my little mixed media canvases, my Mr was there with his photography work and our neighbor Justine was with us, right next to us, with her wonderful bottle cap art...my amazing, beautiful daughter of 2ee's Photography came to join us and visit and while there she snapped off a few pictures...

I had my canvases hanging from a wire that was strung across our tent..
It was quite charming as they spun and turned with the wind..

I had taken with me one of my first "She Art Girls" that I made after taking Christy Tomlinson's
"She Art Workshop", but it was not for sale..just accompanying me to my first time at the fair as a reminder of how far I have come in the last couple of years...she is my angel girl canvas and actually  will now move on to my daughter's house...I made it for her as a thank you for all she has done for me, all the times she was right there by my side on the darkest days and how much she means to me..I'm so touched that this picture turned out with it as the focus.

The Mr. and me with his beautiful print taken on the island of Kauai in the background..
Was he napping?  How did I not see that...?  We were both so exhausted working at our regular jobs and then getting ready for the fair...we were both running on about 2 hours of sleep...but how did he catch a nap and I didn't know it..?  :-)

Adorable Justine and her bottlecap art...she is absolutely the sweetest girl int he world and sooo talented..love, love, love her!!!

Her pebble magnet sets...
She does such great work and people flock to her tent...

But I have to say...this was the highlight of my day

"The Scoop Ice Cream Truck"
They are a great little restaurant for coffee, sandwiches, homemade ice cream and such located in a beautiful neighborhood on Spokane's South Hill.
For event's they send out this darling old international turquoisey grayish green truck to serve their delicious ice cream...the girl working in the truck is decked out in a 50's type apron and it totally throws me back to my childhood...
I want that little ice cream truck and that business...how fun is that...drive around to events in the coolest ice cream truck I have ever seen and bring smiles to everyone's faces!!! Hmmm...and you get to dress up in vintage aprons...oh I can feel a dream of something coming on!!!

A fun day was had by all!!!

Happy day

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