Sunday, May 8, 2011

"On being a Mom"

My children once said to me that "Mother's Day is a Hallmark Holiday, everyday is Mother's day!"
I have to admit, at first I thought it was just their means of excuse for forgetting to call me on Mother's Day, in fact not remembering it at all...

I was hurt..
I, in fact felt a little angry..

How could these children of mine think a day in which to honor the woman who carried them for all those long months, shared her body with them for so long...cared about what she ate, how much she slept, how much exercise she got...cared about rubbing her belly so they would know she was there, talked constantly so that when they each were born they might recognize her voice, played music so they would feel her sing, read out loud so they would be born loving to read,
 (back in the day, they really did tell you to do worked for one but not the other)

and for heaven's sake, went through 19 long hours of a very difficult labor and delivery...with each of them..
Not to mention the million other things I went through everyday to raise these children!!!

How could they forget Mother's Day???

Like I said, I felt hurt and angry initially anyway...

Ahhhhh, but then I remembered, with a loving heart and an open mind, mind you...
all the moments, minutes, days, years in which there were wondrous, beautiful, incredible, funny moments everyday, where these children would show me so much love....

Its in the little things you know...

Not just the kisses and hugs, although is there anything better than a small child's arms around your neck?
A nursing baby looking up at you with that amazing look of total love and contentment..
A crying child buried in your arms, seeking solace from the big, bad world..

Is there anything better than seeing your toddler daughter wear her first tutu, or see your son hit his first ball in T-Ball and then try to run the bases, but quit at 2nd and just run to you...
The first days of kindergarden when you cried leaving them probably more than they cried leaving you..

Then 6th grade was over
Then 8th grade was done and gone
Then they are walking across the stage getting their diplomas..
Then her father is walking her down the aisle to another man..
And the boy child, who is now a man, is packing up and moving away...
They are grown and gone now..visually anyway...but they remain..
Their smell is in this house, some of their things remain and I see their pictures everywhere...
And they call often and visit often..
We share so many moments still..
Moments filled with memories...

And you know what...they were right...everyday is Mother's Day...
Everyday will always be Mother's Day..
We started a journey together many years ago, just me and each of my babies..
A journey that will last a lifetime and beyond...

I would rather have that, than just one day in a year with a card or phone call...
I am a very lucky Mom...!   

1 comment:

  1. They were giving you the ultimate compliment. Every day is indeed Mother's Day. At church today, we celebrated not only Mothers of children and pets, but nurturers of both sexes. But mostly, Mother Earth and the feminine of the Mother/Father God in all of us. Lovely.
