Thursday, March 31, 2011

"One of those Days"

Some days basically are just better than others..bring you to your knees...

Some days all I merely want to do is feel good about who I am, I want to know deep down inside that I pressure to be otherwise..the child inside hurts..

Seriously, what have I ever done to anyone?

Some days people lack of kindness seeps through to your insides and you doubt yourself..

Some days the world doesn't feel too friendly and you wonder if its there something wrong with you? 

Some days your resolve crumbles, your weak self takes hold, sadness prevails...

Its just one of those days..
Alone with my thoughts and doubts
trying to do my best..

The actions of others, the words of others..affect you, challenge your resolve, do some damage...

and no matter how much you have learned, how far you have come, its your reality in that moment..

I would like to say that I can sit down, have a word with my savior, be renewed and go on, 
but somedays it just doesn't happen and I have to ride it out knowing that the next moment is a new moment, tomorrow is around the corner..hope..

Rest will renew and refresh...
will the doubts remain?

I remember how far I have come, most times left alone to weather it all..

and somedays it doesn't matter...
sadness needs to be felt..embraced for the lessons that might come..

So I sit with it, ponder it, wander through it..

and remind myself...
Am I really enough?
I am tired!

1 comment:

  1. Nice words for all of us. We have all been there at some point. Know you are not alone and you are all that you need to be in this moment. Hugs!
