It all started with Christy Tomlinson,of Scarlet Lime, one of my favorite artists and people, besides the absolutely incredible Melody of Brave Girls Club...Christy had been told by others, that she needed to share more of herself in her blogs, so she came up with a post the other day entitled "Ten Things You Might Not Know About Me"..that same day, before I had a chance to read Christy's post, my husband had been kindly talking with me about sharing more of myself, more of my deeper thoughts, on my blog. Allude to my history, what has brought me to where I am now, less filler as he put it...well I have never been accused of not sharing enough words with others, in fact I have been accused of talking too much about myself, something I took to heart and have been working be asked then to do the opposite, feels very strange and off balance to me. Having worked so hard to come to terms with other's words, I honestly feel pretty insecure about it. But maybe all these years of being a motor mouth I was basically guilty of surface conversations, idle chit chat, you know the ones I'm referring to..or maybe others found me, at the time, or maybe still do, to appear to be selfish, self centered, self absorbed, not shutting up long enough about me to be interested in you...I get that, but I'm truly pretty confused by the whole thing...
But my husband persisted, assuring me that I have a great deal to say, that people would actually want to hear me, get to know me, understand me...or maybe they won't..
Ugh, so many maybes...
One of the closest people to me said something the other day that resonates moment by moment with me since that day..."The only opinion of you that matters in this world is God's opinion of who you are and what is in your heart...past that, you cannot control what other peoples issues are, that get projected onto you, so don't even try. Just aim to please and make proud, the only one that matters" !!! Very wise lady! And I think I'll stick with that.
So if you find that you would like to get to know me a little better, I invite you in...if you are not interested, I won't take it personal.
I think its about time I move on with the 10 things, but just 1 day at a beware, 10 days of 1 thing you might not know about me...or maybe you do...either way here goes....
1. I will start with the gross one, sorry, lets just get this one out of the way!...but I must preface it by saying that there is very, very, very little that will make me gag in this world...BUT...the "picking of noses, without benefit of a tissue" will do it every time! There I said it...and honestly I don't understand it..some things are truly mean't to be done in all of you picking while driving people out there, beware, someone in the car next to you might just be losing their lunch...thank you very much!! LOL..
Now I bet you are afraid of #2...well don't be, I got the worst out of my system first...
See ya, sleep tight and as always, blessings...
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